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Frequently Asked Questions

Why was Socialyfe developed?

Like most people, I have a group of friends who like to get together on the weekends. We’re always looking for fun new stuff and I was just tired of spending hours searching, only to become frustrated with finding nothing. Worse yet, finding out about some fun entertainment that happened after the fact right around the corner from my house. I knew there had to be a better way and the concept of Socialyfe just kept gnawing on me!

Why should I pay to post events when there are many other sites where I don’t have to?

  • All the current available sites that exist today for event promotion have 3 problem areas
    1. it’s a shotgun approach to marketing
    2. It’s a secondary or even third area of focus (meaning it’s not their primary business model)
    3. There’s little to no evaluation of dollars spent vs dollars gained

The Socialyfe platform is designed from the ground up to allow its clients to be very focused when marketing their things-to-do. Currently you can focus age groups, your location, and consumer preferences. And soon we’ll be implementing Machine Learning so the app will present customized options based on each persons likes and dislikes. Basically, providing a customized app experience for each person. Thus, allowing you to really focus your marketing efforts and understand the audience better.

Event promotion is all we focus on! Until Socialyfe, there was no expert in the event promotion space. Although we are a fairly new entity, we have several years of researching, testing prototypes, and surveying consumers in order to build a product that meets consumers needs.

Our platform was built to be transparent in reporting ROI. Our event promoters Return On Investment is very important to us.  We’re tired of other platforms smoke and mirrors only to line their pockets. In today’s day and age business owners can see through the smoke and its time for a straight forward platform that provides a platform for consumers and businesses.

Where do you get your content from?

We have connections to several platforms that provide us with event content, but we also have a portal where event promoters and businesses can build and post their own events.

What makes Socialyfe different than other platforms that already exist?

There are many unique features to our platform, but first and foremost is that we use geolocation to sort events. No other platform uses your location to provide things-to-do around you. Also, the ability to save interested events, the ability to invite friends, and the use of Machine Learning so the app learns your likes and dislikes are a few of the main key features to Socialyfe.